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What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a procedure to reduce the size of your breasts. The goal of breast reduction surgery is to improve the shape, size and position of your breasts. The surgery can also help relieve pain and discomfort caused by overly large breasts.

If you have excessively large breasts that cause you physical pain, you may be a good candidate for breast reduction surgery. However, you should consult with an experienced plastic surgeon before deciding whether or not this procedure is right for you.

Breast Reduction Surgery Procedure

During breast reduction surgery, the surgeon removes excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from your breasts in order to reshape them into a more feminine, aesthetically pleasing shape. The nipple-areolar complex (the dark area around the nipple) may be repositioned as well so that it sits in the correct location along with its supporting structures.

Breast reduction surgery isn’t always performed in one stage; often it involves multiple procedures over time. Some women may need only one operation while others require two or three different procedures over a period of several months or years.

Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon

Choosing a cosmetic surgeon is an important decision, so it’s important that you take the time to find the right one for your needs. The right surgeon will make sure you’re comfortable and happy with your results, and will provide follow-up care for as long as necessary.

Consider these tips when choosing a cosmetic surgeon:

Ask friends and family members for recommendations. When it comes to medical professionals, word of mouth can be a powerful way to find out about good doctors who have treated others well. If you don’t know anyone with positive experiences, ask your primary care physician or gynecologist to recommend someone they’ve worked with in the past. You can also look at online reviews on sites like Yelp or Healthgrades to see which doctors have received good feedback from their patients.

Look at photos of past work. Your surgeon should have before-and-after photos displayed in his office so that you can get an idea of what results you might expect from him or her. If photos aren’t available on the doctor’s website (or if he or she doesn’t have one), call ahead and ask him or her to email some photos of previous procedures that are similar to yours before you meet with them face-to-face.

Breast Reduction Options

Breast reduction surgery is a surgical procedure that reduces the size of breasts that are too large or saggy. It can improve the shape, size and position of the breasts, making it easier to find bras and clothing that fit well. Breast reduction surgery can also improve physical symptoms associated with large breasts such as back pain and neck pain.

If you’re considering breast reduction surgery, your doctor will recommend one of two types:

Mastopexy: Also known as breast lift or reduction mammaplasty, this option lifts the breasts and removes excess skin, fat and tissue from beneath them. This procedure can also reduce the size of nipples if desired.

Reduction mammaplasty: Also known as reduction rhinoplasty or reduction mammoplasty, this option reduces the size of your breast by removing excess fat, skin and tissue beneath them.

Liposuction for Breast Reduction

Liposuction can help you reduce the size of your breasts. This procedure involves removing excess fat from your breasts and reshaping them to achieve a smaller, more symmetrical appearance.

Breast reduction surgery may be recommended if you have very large breasts that cause health problems such as back pain, skin irritation or rashes caused by bra straps. In some cases, breast reduction is done to improve self-esteem caused by body image issues related to large breasts.

Liposuction for Breast Reduction

Breast reduction through liposuction is a safe, effective procedure that can help women with large breasts achieve their desired results. The surgeon removes unwanted fat from the breast area and deposits it in other areas of the body where it can be used for cosmetic purposes.

In breast reduction liposuction, multiple small incisions are made in the area where excess fat will be removed from the breast tissue. Through these incisions, a cannula is inserted into the fatty tissue beneath the skin’s surface. Through this cannula, suction drains fat cells from this area and deposits them elsewhere in your body for use during subsequent liposuction procedures or for other cosmetic purposes such as making fuller lips or cheeks.

Vertical or “Lollipop” Breast Reduction

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most popular procedures performed by plastic surgeons. The most common type of breast reduction surgery is a “lollipop” procedure, in which the surgeon makes an incision around the areola and removes excess skin, glandular tissue and fat from underneath the muscle. This type of procedure is generally performed under general anesthesia and lasts between 1-2 hours. The incisions are placed in areas that will be hidden by clothing and scars are typically very inconspicuous.

After surgery, patients can expect to experience some swelling and soreness in the breasts for up to 3 weeks after surgery; however, most patients return to work within 2 weeks after surgery and physical activity can resume within 6 weeks after surgery.

Inverted-T or “Anchor” Breast Reduction

Inverted-T and anchor breast reduction surgery is a technique used to reduce the size of the breasts. This type of surgery is most appropriate for women who have a lot of upper pole fullness and are still fairly young.

An inverted-T breast reduction removes excess skin, fat and glandular tissue from beneath the nipple and lift the nipple to a higher position on the chest wall. The procedure leaves an anchor scar at the top of each breast, where it joins onto the chest wall. The anchor scars may be visible in backless or revealing clothing, but they are not prominent enough to be seen when wearing a bra.

Breast Reduction Surgery & Recovery

Breast reduction surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the United States. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons estimates that more than 200,000 breast reductions are performed each year.

Breast reduction surgery reduces the size of breasts that are too large for a woman’s body. It’s done to ease physical discomfort and to improve appearance. Breast reduction may be recommended for women who have disproportionately large breasts that cause physical problems or make them feel self-conscious.

It can also help relieve neck, shoulder, back and posture problems caused by heavy breasts.

The recovery time from breast reduction depends on your general health and how much excess skin is removed during surgery. In most cases, you’ll be able to return to work within four to six weeks after surgery if you’re otherwise healthy. You’ll need at least two weeks off from strenuous exercise while your incisions heal. The final look of your breasts will become apparent three months after surgery when the scars have settled down into their final position and lost some of their redness and thickness.

Life After Breast Reduction

After undergoing breast reduction surgery, you will experience some initial swelling and bruising. The swelling will gradually go down over the next few weeks, but it can be several months before your breasts return to their normal size.

It is important to follow your surgeon’s postoperative instructions carefully so that you can minimize your risk of complications and maximize your recovery.

Most patients report significant relief of neck, shoulder, back and chest pain after breast reduction surgery. However, some women may still have some mild discomfort in these areas even after their recovery is complete. If you have any questions or concerns about this procedure, please contact us as we are always happy to discuss them with you.

Will the Results of Breast Reduction Last?

Yes, the results of breast reduction surgery will last. Breast reduction is a permanent procedure that removes fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts. The surgeon makes a circular incision around the areola (the pigmented skin around the nipple), which is where most of the excess skin and tissue are removed. The nipple-areolar complex (NAC) remains attached to its blood supply, so there is no risk of losing sensation or feeling in this area after surgery.

The goal of breast reduction is to reduce the size of the breasts while maintaining their natural shape and contour. If you want smaller breasts but don’t want to lose any volume or projection from your chest, this can be achieved through liposuction alone. If you would like more volume loss as well as a flatter appearance to your chest wall, then having breast reduction with an implant may be right for you.

Breast reduction can improve back pain caused by large breasts; however, it won’t prevent future back pain caused by excess weight gain or pregnancy. Also, if you are still growing (even though your breasts have stopped growing), then breast reduction may not be appropriate because it can affect their development and cause problems later on.